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Jefferson County WV Subdivision Ordinance Draft  11/15/07

The draft Subdivision Ordinance below, accompanies the Plan B draft Zoning Ordinance

They were originally written in April 2006 (Subdivision: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/listener/message/2130 )

and January 2005 (Zoning: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/listener/message/1714 )

Legal requirements are in Appendix A


Draft Subdivision Ordinance


1.                Landowners have a right to the land uses allowed by zoning, including multiple uses on one lot, and need county permits only for construction and subdividing, not for changes of use or multiple uses.

2.                Construction is controlled by the Improvement Location Permit Ordinance and Building Codes, not by this Ordinance.

3.                Before subdivision of land is commenced, subdivision plans and plats must be approved by the planning commission, in accordance with the comprehensive plan; as required by 8A-4-2(a)(10)

4.                Information provided must be current & accurate, and, where applicable, in accordance with relevant professional standards. Application with information which is inaccurate, outdated, or not meeting relevant professional standards, will be considered not to meet the requirements of this ordinance.

5.                The applicant may withdraw the application at any time before recording of final plat, and start with a new pre-application. A new pre-application may be filed no sooner than 90 days after any previous pre-application on the same land. No more than one pre-application, application, or final plat may cover the same land at the same time.

6.                Plats and deeds of lots created under this Ordinance shall include the note, "Farms in the county have a right to operate with both traditional and modern methods, which can involve smells, noises, and slow traffic on public roads."


7.                Minor subdivisions include the following. Other subdividing of land will be considered major.

a)      The creation of lots with a net increase of four or less lots every five years

b)      Changing lines between lots in such a way as to move a total of 10,000 square feet or less from one or more lots to one or more others, every five years

8.                Information…

9.                Public notice…

10.             Hearing…

11.             Approval or Denial…

MAJOR SUBDIVISIONS: PRE-APPLICATION (If county commission or a court decides against requiring a pre-application, all this information would come in the formal application on day 0, and the legal ad for hearing would appear on day 6)

12.             Typical schedule. Minus signs show days before formal application.

a)      file preapplication, post sign (Fri): -35 days

b)      post on web & send email (same Fri)-35 days

c)      publish legal ad for completeness hearing (Thurs) -29

d)      file formal application (Fri), 0

e)      staff comments on completeness (Tue), day 32

f)      hearing on completeness (Tue), day 39 (typically decision is made that day, but deadline is day 45, which would delay remaining schedule)

g)      legal ad (Thurs, day 48) for hearing on whether it meets requirements

h)      hearing on whether it meets requirements (Tue), normally 6 weeks after completeness hearing, on day 81, but 4 times per year there are an odd number of weeks between PC meeting times, so hearing would be 5 weeks later on day 74.

i)       deadline for decision on whether it meets requirements, 14 days after hearing, unless held for up to 45 more days for more information.

































-35 pre-application submitted & put on web






-29 legal ad for hearing on completeness






















-7 public comments submitted by this date will be addressed in formal application







0 formal application submitted, put on web, sent to review agencies














39 days































32 staff comment on completeness. Agencies may also advise if they have noted anything missing.







39 1st hearing & PC decides completeness.


Start new 45-day clock to decide if it meets requirements: ends day 84


















35 or 42 days


45 end first 45-day clock



48 legal ad for hearing on meeting requirements



















67 staff & agency comments on whether it meets requirements







74th or 81st day (depending when PC meets)


2nd hearing & PC decides if it meets requirements


This is 35 or 42 days after 1st PC decision, so it fits in the 45-day maximum clock.


This is 26 or 33 days after legal ad, so it fits the  21-day minimum legal notice.


(cannot decide earlier, since this hearing needs 21-day legal notice; earlier ad did not need any particular timing)









84 end 2nd 45-day clock; may be extended 45 more days for more information, such as legal opinion or 14 days for deliberation



13.             Applicant will reserve with staff a regular PC meeting date when there is at most one other major subdivision planned for hearing.

14.             Applicant for Major subdivision will provide pre-application information

a)      to the Planning Commission office on a Friday morning by 10am, 60 days before the hearing (Tuesday, when completeness will be decided) and 35 days before formal application is submitted.

b)      in 10 paper copies and 2 CDROMs, ready to be put on the county website, with an address of jeffersoncountywv.org/pc/abcdefg where "abcdefg" is a short name arranged with the PC staff, which will not change.

c)      The CDROMs will be in .pdf format and not exceed 10 megabytes, uncompressed [about 27 times the size of the current zoning ordinance with all amendments through 4/05]

d)      The hard copies will be available, 5 for staff, PC and other government review, 5 for loan to members of the public (e.g. at libraries).

e)      On the day of receipt, staff will email a notice of availability to all who have provided their email addresses for that purpose, and will copy the CDROM to the website. They will also send copies to review agencies and PC members which wish paper copies.

f)      The email list will include all local governments and boards and commissions unless they request to be removed from the list (in which case there will be an annual letter asking if they wish to be reinstated).

g)      The staff will place a legal notice of the public hearing on completeness as soon as possible after receipt of the pre-application

h)      The applicant will post signs (in format provided by PC) so they are readable from each public road within 1000 feet of the property. Posting will be done on the same day as pre-application is submitted

i)       The email and legal notices will include dates of hearings, web address of application, planning office phone number, project name, location map showing property boundaries and surrounding roads at 1"=1000' (so 200-acre square area would be 3" square in ad) , applicant's address & phone; number & type of housing units; square feet, height, & type of commercial space, acres, % to be in each of the following categories: building footprints, paved, grass, wooded, other natural (e.g. water, wetland, sinkhole).

15.             Appendix B lists the pre-application information required:



16.             The final application will be filed by 10am on the Friday designated in the pre-application, will confirm which aspects of the pre-application remain the same and which have changed (e.g. because of public comment). Numbers may change by up to 10% without filing a new pre-application, and such changes must be highlighted. 20 paper copies and a CDROM will be filed with the office (as for the pre-application). Individual copies will also be mailed to review agencies and planning commissioners, on paper or CDROM. Staff will tell applicants the format for individual recipients. Review agencies and planning commissioners who wish copies of pre-applications may request them from staff. The CDROM will be suitable for the web as above. No urls on the CDROM shall be the same as the pre-application, even when content is identical, so the staff, public & commissioners can verify the content is identical in case of doubt. The CDROM will not exceed 12 megabytes, except that including the plats on the CDROM is optional, and if they are included, they may be any size necessary.

17.             On the day of receipt, staff will email a notice of availability to all who have provided their email addresses for that purpose, and will copy the CDROM to the website.

18.             Final application will provide the pre-application information, as revised, plus the information in Appendix C:

19.              Review agencies are:

a)      Jefferson County Schools

b)      Public Service District and/or other appropriate utility service agencies.

c)      Jefferson County Historic Landmarks Commission

d)      Jefferson County Sheriff

e)      Appropriate fire and rescue services providers

f)      West Virginia Department of Transportation

g)      Jefferson County Development Authority

h)      Jefferson County Health Department

i)       incorporated cities within 3 miles, including their departments and boards, such as planning, historic landmarks, and parks

j)       DPZE

k)      Affordable Housing Agency



20.             Staff and review agencies will provide advice on the completeness of the applicant's information to the Planning Commission, applicant and public 7 days (Tues) before the hearing.

21.             The planning commission will hold a public hearing on completeness and decide if the application is complete, in accord with state law 8A-5-6(b). If a quorum is lacking at the originally scheduled date, another meeting will be scheduled within the 45 days after submission as required by law. The purpose of the hearing is to consider completeness, but testimony on whether it meets requirements may be also be given, to accommodate members of the public who are coming forth to speak, and will be held and considered at the later meeting on that subject.

22.             If the applicant requests an early declaration of completeness under 8A-5-8(a), the PC shall schedule a special meeting to make the decision, with proper notice, and shall not decide at a regular meeting, where notice may not be sufficient.

23.             If the application is determined to be complete, the PC will set the hearing on whether it meets requirements.

24.             If the application is determined to be incomplete, then no later than the 2nd regular meeting after the decision, the PC shall prepare written notice to the applicant identifying at least some of the incompletenesses. If there are multiple incompletenesses, the PC will generally not take time to find them all. If the applicant forced the PC to decide early (as above), the PC may proceed with the hearing on completeness to further help identify areas of incompleteness.


25.             The staff will publish a legal notice of the public hearing on whether it meets requirements at least 21 days before the hearing, and the applicant will post a sign (provided by staff) on each public road close to the property.

26.             Staff and review agencies will provide comments on whether it meets requirements to the Planning Commission, applicant and public 7 days (Tues) before the hearing.

27.             The planning commission will hold a public hearing on whether it meets requirements and decide if the application meets requirements, in accord with state law 8A-5-8(c). If a quorum is lacking at the originally scheduled date, another meeting will be scheduled within the 45 days after determination of completeness as required by law.

28.             If a decision is not made at the same meeting as the hearing, it shall be made within 14 days after the hearing.

29.             If more information is needed to determine whether it meets requirements, the application may be held for another 45 days while the PC obtains the information.

30.             During hearings the chair shall not allow repetitious testimony. Speakers, including the applicant may provide new information, but not repeat information previously provided. However a speaker may also rise simply to say (s)he agrees with a previous speaker. Commissioners may pose questions to anyone present if they need clarification. The applicant must be present to answer questions from the commissioners.

31.             No later than the 2nd regular meeting after the decision, the PC shall prepare written notice to the applicant of the reasons for any denial, and shall state any conditions of approval. If the application fails to meet requirements in numerous ways, the PC may not take time to find them all.


32.             8A-4-2(a)(5) requires this ordinance to have standards for:

a)      setbacks: as stated in zoning ordinance

b)      lot sizes: sufficient to accommodate setbacks and health permits

c)      streets, curbs: performance standards as described in appendices

d)      sidewalks, walkways are left to market forces,

e)      parking is left to market forces

f)      easements, rights-of-way will be sufficient to ensure the approved design lasts,

g)      drainage, gutters, storm water management: performance standards as described in appendices

h)      utilities, infrastructure, water and wastewater facilities: as described in appendices

i)       street lights must aim entirely below horizontal, and meet boundary limits in zoning ordinance

j)       fire hydrants, if piped water is provided, hydrants must be (1) designed to standards of servicing fire company, and placed (2) within 20' of each subdivision entrance, and (3) so that every building entrance is within 500' of two hydrants.

33.             Open space, shall be provided in parks at a rate of one tenth acre per housing unit

34.             Buffers: as stated in the zoning ordinance

35.             Road ownership & maintenance (need alternatives to ubiquitous HOAs)…

36.             Plat wording & format…

37.             Cooperating and coordinating with other governmental agencies affected by the subdivision and land development and use will be accomplished by (a) notifying them of each application as required above, and (b) inviting them to meetings with the planning commission, at least quarterly, with the chair rotating among governmental agencies which are willing to assume the chair. (8A-4-2(a)(16)

38.             Bonding, inspections, bond releases, enforcement, penalties…


39.             After approval of the subdivision or land development plat by the planning commission and before the subdivision or development of the land is commenced, the subdivision and land development plat shall be recorded in the office of the clerk of the county commission where a majority of the land to be developed lies; as required by 8A-4-2(a)(11)

40.             Improvement location permits are required, as stated in the Ordinance of that name. Starting a structure or development of land is prohibited without an improvement location permit; as required by 8A-4-2(a)(14)

41.             Development in the 1% or 100-year floodplain must follow the requirements in that ordinance as required by 8A-4-2(a)(6)

42.             Development must follow applicable state and national laws and regulations

43.             Definitions (most are in Plan B Zoning Ordinance)…

44.             Fees…

45.             Waivers…


46.             Vested property rights In accordance with §8A-5-12 and  8A-4-2(b)(4):

a) Right to pursue an approved plan and plat

(1) A vested property right is a right to undertake and complete the land development. The right is established when the land development plan and plat is approved by the planning commission and is only applicable under the terms and conditions of the approved land development plan and plat.

(2) Failure to abide by the terms and conditions of the approved land development plan and plat will result in forfeiture of the right.

(3) The vesting period for an approved land development plan and plat which creates the vested property right is five years from the approval of the land development plan and plat by the planning commission.


b) Further right to pursue a development and right to ignore later zoning ordinance amendments

Without limiting the time when rights might otherwise vest, a landowner's rights vest in a land use or development plan and cannot be affected by a subsequent amendment to a zoning ordinance or action by the planning commission when the landowner:

(1) Obtains or is the beneficiary of a significant affirmative governmental act which remains in effect allowing development of a specific project; "significant" excludes permits issued in the normal course of business by the state Division of Highways, Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Health, or their successors, and similar permits which are typical parts of the development process in West Virginia, and which do not by themselves allow a development to be built

(2) Relies in good faith on the significant affirmative governmental act; "good faith" excludes situations where the County Commission had publicly started the process of  zoning amendments, such as asking for text from staff, contractors, the Planning Commission or public, holding hearings, or voting in principle to proceed; it also excludes obligations or expenses incurred merely to create vesting, and beyond the reasonable work needed at that stage to pursue the project

(3) Incurs extensive obligations or substantial expenses in diligent pursuit of the specific project in reliance on the significant affirmative governmental act. "extensive obligations" means legal obligations which cannot be avoided without substantial cost;  "substantial" means more than 20% above the land cost.


c) Applicable to both types of vesting

A vested right is a property right, which cannot be taken without compensation. A court may award damages against the local government in favor of the landowner for monetary losses incurred by the landowner and court costs and attorneys' fees, resulting from the local government's bad faith refusal to recognize that the landowner has obtained vested rights.



Appendix A - Some of the Legal Requirements

 ( means item is addressed in draft ordinance, attached; other items still need to be addressed)


§8A-4-2(a) A subdivision and land development ordinance shall include the following provisions:

(1) A minor subdivision or land development process, including criteria, requirements and a definition of minor subdivision;

(2) The authority of the planning commission and its staff to approve a minor subdivision or land development;

(3) A major subdivision or land development process, including criteria and requirements;

(4) The authority of the planning commission to approve a major subdivision or land development;

(5)   The standards for

setback requirements,

lot sizes,




parking, easements,







street lights,

fire hydrants,

storm water management and

water and wastewater facilities;

(6) Standards for flood-prone or subsidence areas;

(7) A review process for subdivision or land development plans and plats by the planning commission;

(8) An approval process for subdivision or land development plans and plats by the planning commission, including the authority to approve subdivision or land development plans and plats with conditions;

(9) A process to amend final approved subdivision or land development plans and plats;

(10) A requirement that before development of the land is commenced, subdivision and land development plans and plats must be approved by the applicable planning commission, in accordance with the comprehensive plan;

(11) A requirement that after approval of the subdivision or land development plat by the planning commission and before the subdivision or development of the land is commenced, the subdivision and land development plat shall be recorded in the office of the clerk of the county commission where a majority of the land to be developed lies;

(12) A schedule of fees to be charged which are proportioned to the cost of checking and verifying proposed plats.;

(13) The process for granting waivers from the minimum standards of the subdivision and land development ordinance;

(14) Improvement location permit process, including a requirement that a structure or development of land is prohibited without an improvement location permit;

(15) The acceptable methods of payment to cover the cost of the water and sewer service infrastructure, which can include, but are not limited to, bonds, impact fees, escrow fees and proffers;

(16) The process for cooperating and coordinating with other governmental agencies affected by the subdivision and land development and use; and

(17) Penalties for violating the subdivision and land development ordinance.


§8A-5-6.(b) Within forty-five days after receipt of the application, the planning commission shall review the application for completeness and either accept or deny it.



(a) Upon written request of the applicant for a determination, the planning commission must determine by vote at the next regular meeting or at a special meeting, whether or not the application is complete based upon a finding that the application meets the requirements set forth in its governing body's subdivision and land development ordinance.

(c) At a meeting where the application is determined to be complete, the planning commission must set a date, time and place for a public hearing and a meeting to follow the public hearing to vote on the application. The public hearing must be held within forty-five days, and the planning commission must notify the applicant of the public hearing and meeting in writing unless notice is waived in writing by the applicant. The planning commission must publish a public notice of the public hearing and meeting in a local newspaper of general circulation in the area at least twenty-one days prior to the public hearing.

(d) At a meeting at the conclusion of the public hearing or a meeting held within fourteen days after the public hearing, the planning commission shall vote to approve, deny or hold the application.

(e) The application may be held for additional information necessary to make a determination. An application may be held for up to forty-five days.


Some Legal Options


8A-4-2(b) A subdivision and land development ordinance may include the following provisions:

(1) [no] Establishing a board of subdivision and land development appeals with the same powers, duties and appeals process as set out for the board of zoning appeals under the provisions of article eight of this chapter;

(2) [wording?] Requirements for green space, common areas, public grounds, walking and cycling paths, recreational trails, parks, playgrounds and recreational areas;

(3) [wording?] Encourage the use of renewable energy systems and energy-conserving building design;

(4) Vested property right, including requirements;

(5) Exemptions of certain types of land development from the subdivision and land development ordinance requirements, including, but not limited to, single-family residential structures and farm structures; and

(6) Any other provisions consistent with the comprehensive plan the governing body considers necessary.


§8A-5-7. Contents of a major subdivision or land development plan and plat.

(b) If a governing body does not have a subdivision and land development ordinance or if a governing body's subdivision and land development ordinance does not specify what may be included in a subdivision or land development plan and plat, then the following may be included, when applicable, in a subdivision or land development plan and plat:

(1) Show that the subdivision or land development conforms to the governing body's comprehensive plan;

(2) [wording?] A method of payment to cover the cost of the water and sewer service infrastructure, which can include, but is not limited to, bonds, impact fees, escrow fees and proffers;

(3) [wording?] Coordination among land development with adjoining land owners, including but not limited to, facilities and streets;

(4) Distribution of population and traffic in a manner tending to create conditions favorable to health, safety, convenience and the harmonious development of the municipality or county;

(5) [wording?] Show that there is a fair allocation of areas for different uses, including but not limited to, streets, parks, schools, public and private buildings, utilities, businesses and industry;

(6) Show that there is a water and sewer supply;

(7) Setback and lot size measures were used;

(8) The standards used for designating land which is subject to flooding or subsidence, details for making it safe, or information showing that such land will be set aside for use which will not endanger life or property and will not further aggravate or increase the existing menace;

(9) The control measures for drainage, erosion and sediment;

(10) [wording?] The coordination of streets, sidewalks and pedestrian pathways in and bordering the land development; and

(11) The design, construction and improvement measures to be used for the streets, sidewalks, easements, rights-of-way, drainage, utilities, walkways, curbs, gutters, street lights, fire hydrants, water and wastewater facilities, and other improvements installed, including the width, grade and location for the purpose of accommodating prospective traffic, customers and facilitating fire protection.



Appendix B Information Required in Pre-application


a)      short name of project

b)      contents needed for email & legal notice

c)      date of PC hearing on completeness, and tentative date of hearing on whether it meets requirements (applicant will have asked office to reserve available dates; no more than two applications exceeding 10 lots, per meeting)

d)      date application will be filed (Friday 18 days before Tuesday hearing)

e)      8.5x11 location map showing one quarter of the county, with outline location of this project and all projects from pre-application stage through bond release

f)      11x17 map and brief description of existing land uses. This and other maps listed below shall extend 100' past site boundaries and far enough to include at least 50' of each stream which drains site

g)      11x17 map of proposed land uses, including buildings, parking, walks, roads, water, significant plants

h)      11x17 map showing existing 2' contours, sinkholes, rock outcroppings, voids within 10' of surface

i)       11x17 map of lot lines, easements & other lines which will be on final recorded plat

j)       financial analysis in constant dollars, showing how county's & fire companies' costs will be covered (capital & operating), with 5% cushion over costs. Account for lag in tax collections. 5% cushion must be available for each independent budgeting organization (e.g. schools, health, PSD, etc.)

k)      traffic designs  (required by 8A-4-2(a)(5), "infrastructure") showing wait times will be level of service B or better at intersections within 1/2 mile, and on direct trips to nearest municipality and along most direct main road to closest of: Martinsburg, Winchester, Hagerstown, Frederick, Leesburg. Traffic will be evaluated as of time of final plat approval, based on state definitions of levels of service and on the traffic expected if 80% of unbuilt lots with final plat approval up to that time are built.

l)       accident rates on routes mentioned in previous step, showing they are below the state average for those types of roads, consistent with standard expressed in Kaufman v. Fairmont.

m)    historic and tourism analysis, showing chain of previous owners, and effects, positive & negative, on  historic sites and tourism.

n)      architectural renderings as seen from properties on national or state register of historic properties, and typical views which include historic property & project

o)     stormwater designs (required by 8A-4-2(a)(5)) with analysis showing no more than a 10% increase over predevelopment water use:

water taken from ground

water returned to ground

water flowing offsite in each direction,

under 6 situations: average year, drought year (10th percentile of rain distribution); 1yr-, 2yr-, 5yr-, 10yr-storms

p)      flood analysis showing project will not worsen 100-yr floods.

q)      analysis showing avoidance of sinkholes and voids, that habitats of rare, threatened and endangered species will not be disturbed (including underground), and that wetlands and streambanks will not be disturbed.

r)      analysis showing in what ways the application is and is not in accordance with the comprehensive plan in effect, as required by 8A-4-2(a)(10)

s)      fraction of fire and ambulance calls with arrival in 6 minutes after phone call rings at 911, in "box" region(s) containing project, and if under 95%, how it will be raised to 95% before construction starts.



Appendix C - Additional Information Required in Application


a)      copies of all public comments received at least 3 days before application filing

b)      responses to all public comments received at least 7 days before filing. Applicant shall also send this "responsiveness summary" to all commenters.

c)      evidence that drinking water, septic or sewer, and public school capacity will be available within one year, after considering already-approved projects  (required by 8A-4-2(a)(5) "infrastructure")

d)      calculations showing that roads and intersections are wide and strong enough to convey all sizes of fire engines, school buses, trash trucks, and concrete trucks in the county, including buses' and trash trucks' repeated stops at the same spots for 5 years without patching  (required by 8A-4-2(a)(5) "infrastructure")

e)      infrastructure plat, including layout of drinking water, sewer, stormwater, contour lines at 2' intervals, non-residential structures, residential building envelopes, vegetation.

f)      lot lines plat suitable for recording if approved

g)      11x17 reduced copies of technical and recordable plats (for less costly copying & review by public)