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[ Supporting Statement for Harvest Hills Subdivision. These items are required by the Jefferson County Zoning and Development Review Ordinance, section 7.4d. LESA (Land Evaluation & Site Assessment) is also described in that Ordinance, section 6.4 ] Click here to return to http://www.listeners.homestead.com

1. Name, Address of Owner and Developer

William P. Henderson

P.O. Box 64

Shenandoah Junction, WV 25442


Arcadia Building Company

P.O. Box 1728

Leesburg, VA 20177


2. Name, Address of Contact Person

Don Miller

Arcadia Building Company

P.O. Box 1728

Leesburg, VA 20177

(703) 771-2626


R. Michael Shepp, PS

Appalachian Surveys of West Virginia, LLC

P.O. Box 35

Charles Town, WV 25414

(304) 725-4572

3. Type of Development Proposed

The project is primarily a single-family residential subdivision, which encompasses approximately 371 acres of land. This land is proposed to be developed into 392 single-family lots ranging in size a. from 10,000 square feet to 14,300 square feet. Additionally there is a proposed school site of 23 acres, a site for the proposed relocation and construction of the Duffield s train stop into a train station and large parking lot, a site for a church, and approximately 141 acres of open space. Each lot will be served with sanitary sewer provided by the Jefferson County Public Service District, and potable water provided by Jefferson Utilities.

4. Acreage of On2rnal tract and property to be developed

On October 5, 1988 the property was comprised of two (2) parcels of land; one containing approximately 164 acres and the other contains approximately 256.2 acres. 45.364 acres of the 164-acre property was developed into single-family lots under Section 5.7 (d) 2. of the Jefferson County Zoning Ordinance. The property to be developed under this proposal is 371 acres.

5. General description of surface conditions

The area proposed for development is rolling with areas of 2 to 7 percent slope. Areas of similar terrain surround it. The site is rolling and hilly. It has areas of heavy woods, areas of dense thick brush, and some high open meadows. Elk Branch runs along the northern property boundary. The stream is well defined with stable, vegetated banks. (See USGS Map: Exhibit 1)

6. Soil and drainage characteristics

The soils on the site consist of Frankstown series (FbC3, FcC and FbD3) that are deep and well drained. The slopes of these soils range from 6 to 25 percent, and range from moderate to severe with regard to installation of septic systems and location of building sites.

The Duffield series (DgB, DgC3, DgC), which are deep and well drained, have slopes that range from 2 to 12 percent, and slight to moderate limitations with regard to installation of septic systems ~ and location of building sites. The Hagerstown and Frederick series (HgC, HbB, HIC3, HID 3), which are deep and well drained, have slopes that range from 6 to 25 percent, and severe limitations with regard to installation of septic systems and location of building sites. The Huntington Series (Ho) and Melvin Series (Me) is a deep, nearly level, well-drained soil on flood plains of streams and along intermittent drainage ways and has severe limitations with regard to installation of septic systems and location of building sites due to flooding and seasonal high water table. (See Exhibit 3)

7. General location and description of existing structures

There is one livable house, the ruins of another house, and several barns and outbuildings on the property, as well as several farm lanes providing access to these structures. These structures are generally along the northern side of the property.

8. General location and description of existing easements and rights-of-way

There is a 100-foot power line easement, which crosses the property as shown on the site location map. There is a right-of-way serving the previously approved development that also serves the property proposed for development.

9. Existing covenants and restrictions on the land

The parcel containing approximately 164 acres is restricted to a single-family residence until further processing under the Jefferson County Development Review Ordinance. The 256.2-acre parcel has no existing covenants or restrictions.

10. Intended improvements and proposed building locations including locations of signs

Each single-family lot will contain a single-family house located within the building envelope described by the proscribed county setback limits. Roads will be constructed to Jefferson County standards to serve the project; a stormwater management system will be constructed. Water and sewer lines, and provisions for storm drainage will be constructed. Power lines, telephone line and TV cable will be installed underground. The recreational/open space areas are intended to be passive in nature.

11. Intended land uses

Residential single family homes, a train stop/parking lot, and a school site.

12. Earth work that would alter topography

The cutting and/or filling for road construction. The necessary grading for site improvements, drainage control, and stormwater management.

13. Tentative development schedule

The project will take approximately a year to obtain all of the required approvals. The first section of lots will come online in the spring of 2002. The developer's estimated build out is 10 years.

14. Extent of the conversion of farm land to urban uses

This site is presently utilized for agricultural purposes and this project does represent a conversion of potential farmland entirely to residential use. It is zoned "Rural Agricultural".

15. Effected wildlife populations

There are no known rare or endangered species of wildlife indigenous to this site. Two letters have been received from the DNR they are attached as exhibits. Wildlife populations will not be affected although some nests or dens of individual animals may be displaced.

16. Ground water and surface water and sewer lines within 1320 feet

Elk Branch borders the northern property boundary. This stream is well defined with, stable, vegetated banks. There are no sewer lines within 1320 feet.

17. Distance to fire and emergency services that would serve the site

According to the Comprehensive Plan, the subject property is in an overlapping area. It would be served by:

Citizens Fire Company. 6.1 miles

Independent Fire Company: 5.9 miles

Shepherdstown Fire Company: 5.9 miles

18. Distance to the appropriate elementary, middle, and high school

T. A. Lowery Elementary School: 1.7 miles

Shepherdstown Jr. High School: 5.3 miles

Jefferson High School: 0.47 miles

19. Traffic characteristics-type and frequency of traffic; adequacy of existing transportation routes

This site will generate the usual residential tra.ffic. It is anticipated that many of the home buyers, at least the ones who are commuters, may take advantage of the proximity to the rail stop and commute to their jobs by train. The developer has been talking to the West Virginia State Highway Department for several months about removal of the curves to the south of the property. The developer expects to share in the cost of this work.

20. Demand for school services created by this project

Considering information provided by the Jefferson County School Board for the impact fee analysis, there are 0.50 (0.65 per 1990 census) children for each single-family residence in Jefferson County. This is further broken down as follows: 0.27 elementary, 0.12 junior high, and 0.11 senior high.

Based on this information the projected demand for school services over the build out of the development is:

Elementary 105.8

Junior High: 47.0

High School: 43.1

21. Proximity and relationship to historic structures or properties with two hundred (200) feet

There are no historic structures within 200 feet of the proposed lots. However, on the residue lot, according to the "Windshield Survey on Explorer: The West Virginia History Database, Jefferson County Module" by Dr. William D. Theriault, there is an existing house built circa 1810-1830 of Italianate style, with a stone foundation, German siding on the main house and board and batten on the ell. According to the survey this structure is of slight historic significance.

22. Proximity to recreational facilities

There will be passive recreational facilities at the proposed development. There are also recreational facilities at Jefferson High School and T. A. Lowery Elementary School. Sam Michaels Park is 1.5 miles as the crow flies.

23. Relationship of the project to the Comprehensive Plan

We believe that this is the kind of location the Comprehensive Plan anticipated would be developed. It is near to water and sewer services. It is relatively close to existing schools. It is near a major transportation facility. it is near an existing community of Shenandoah Junction.

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