Zoning Amendments effective 5/1/03 SECTION 4.4(k) Adult arcades, adult bookstores, adult cabarets, adult mini motion picture theaters, adult saunas, adult theaters, sexual encounter establishments, sexual paraphernalia stores, massage parlors and any sign advertising the operation thereof, shall not be permitted in the Rural, Village, Residential Growth and Residential Growth-Light Industrial-Commercial Districts. No conditional use permit shall be approved for any of these uses. This provision does not apply to any specific existing use that legally qualifies as a nonconforming use. SECTION 5.6(a)4. Adult arcades, adult bookstores, adult cabarets, adult mini motion picture theaters, adult saunas, adult theaters, sexual encounter establishments, sexual paraphernalia stores, massage parlors and any sign advertising the operation thereof, subject to distance requirements set forth in Section 5.6i. SECTION 5.6(k) Adult Use Requirements Adult arcades, adult bookstores, adult cabarets, adult mini motion picture theaters, adult saunas, adult theaters, sexual encounter establishments, sexual paraphernalia stores, massage parlors and any sign advertising the operation thereof, shall only be permitted in the Industrial-Commercial District under the following conditions: 1. All elements of the use, including parking areas, shall be located at least 1,500 feet from any Rural, Residential-Growth, Village or Residential Growth-Light Industrial-Commercial Zoning District not separated from the subject property by a public road or railroad right-of-way. 2. A proposed adult arcade, adult bookstore, adult cabarets, adult mini motion picture theaters, adult saunas, adult theaters, sexual encounter establishments, sexual paraphernalia stores, massage parlors or any sign advertising the operation thereof, shall not be permitted within 2,500 feet of a lot with an existing adult use or a lot with a sign advertising an adult use. 3. All elements of any use described in Article 5, Section 5.6(I), including parking areas, shall be located at least 1,500 feet from any lot, regardless of its zoning classification, that contains a dwelling unit, a school, a church or house of worship or an institution for human care, regardless it is separated by a public road or railroad right-of-way. This provision does not apply to any specific existing use that legally qualifies as a nonconforming use; provided, however, that an existing nonconforming use cannot add any of the uses described in Article 5, Section 5.6(I) to their operations as existing at the time of the adoption of this section.